Sprains, Strains, Tendonitis and Bursitis
Our joints, extremities and spine are held together by ligaments, tendons and muscles. When these structures get injured, the area becomes painful, weak and unstable. Sprains, strains tendonitis and bursitis are common injuries that can turn into chronic pain conditions when not treated appropriately. Even though they can be considered as different conditions, they frequently occur simultaneously and cause the typical pain, weakness and dysfunction. For appropriate long term pain relief and return to function, they need to be treated together as a part of the whole.
For example, when a person falls or lifts something too heavy and injures his/her shoulder, multiple structures get injured and the joint becomes painful, unstable and dysfunctional. If left untreated, the area can become stiff, the joint can become arthritic and other surrounding areas become overused and potentially injured as well.
Our bodies are complex, many structures make up the whole. Ligaments connect bones together, they surround the joint and provide passive stability. Tendons, on the other hand, connect muscles to bones and allow for movement. When tendons are contracted around joints, they also provide active stability. Bursa are fluid filled sacs that function as padding around joints, bones and tendons. All these structures play together to provide proper function of the joints and extremities.
When unexpected and abnormal stressors are placed on these structures such as during a fall or lifting injury, ligaments and tendons become overstretched, torn and unable to support the joint. Repetitive stressors from sporting or work activities can also be the culprits.
Types of injuries:
A strain is a overstretch or tear of a muscle or tendon such as a hamstring or rotator cuff strain, while a sprain is an injury of the ligaments such as an ankle sprain. Tendonitis (or more accurately tendinosis) is a condition of swollen, weak and painful tendons. When the joint and the supporting ligaments and tendons become dysfunctions, the bursas can become overly stressed and inflamed, causing painful bursitis.
Appropriate and effective treatment of such injuries can be achieved when the clinician, his team and the patient understand how all these structures are connected.
Only a comprehensive treatment strategy that addresses all the contributing factors will provide the best results:
- Regenerative Medicine Injections (Prolotherapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), and Bone Marrow Stem Cells) used to stimulate healing of ligaments, tendons and muscles
- Physical Therapy to strengthen and re-educate the muscles and ligaments and improve general strength and fitness
- Anti-inflammatory Diet with adequate nutrients to support the healing process along with natural anti-inflammatory supplements
- Energy Modalities such as low level laser and PEMF to further support tissue healing, decrease swelling and improve function
Below are some of the conditions that can benefit from comprehensive Regenerative Medicine mentioned above:
- Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injuries
- Extremity Sprains and Strains
- Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
- Hip Tendonitis and Bursitis
- Wrist and Ankle Sprain
- and more..